Kristin's Blog

It's All About Who is in 'The Seats'
Most of us are familiar with the philosophy of “having the right folks in the right seats on the bus” when we are building our teams and organizations. We all have the intention of hiring good folks; yet, I would wager that all of us have made poor “people choices” at some point in our career. What can we learn from a highly successful entrepreneur about this charge for aspiring leaders?
Matrix Organizations and Politics
Most of my clients work in organizations which are highly matrixed. This often translates into the harsh reality of organizational politics. How do we deal with this?
6 Realities of Power
Let’s face it: businesses are run by people in power. And we know power comes from many origins. This reality allows those wielding it to use very different approaches and methods to get what they want and need. Much has been written and proclaimed about the various types of power in business. In this post, I offer a few of my own experiences and observations of how power can surface in business – and life.
What did you say about Alignment, Inc. in 2012?
Thank you to our clients for taking the time to share your feedback with us at Alignment, Inc. As promised, we will be posting this information to our website for those who are interested in the details. The high-level results are included in this post.
Who will Inherit the Future?
Who will inherit the future? As corporate leaders, non-profit stewards, teachers, and parents of our next generations, is this question even relevant? After all, what impact do we have on the future and who actually will inherit it?
The Giant B12
Recently, my home state of Arkansas was hit by a very strong snow storm (12 inches in my hometown of Hot Springs). Many were without power for days. Travelers were stranded. These situations can bring out the best and the worst of humanity. Many good Samaritans emerged, and sadly many opportunities for kindness and generosity were missed. Does this reality present itself in our workplaces, too? Does it matter?
1 Word and 6 Resources to Make 2013 a Great Year!
During the last few weeks of the year, most of us invariably plan on how we can make 2013 the best year ever. A few years ago, I wrote a piece about “one word resolutions” – which I still believe is one of the most succinct and powerful ways to produce change and focus. This year, I thought it may also be helpful to introduce my followers to a few incredible resources which may give you, your colleagues, and your team the support you need as we embark on 2013.
Three Simple Thoughts on which to End 2012
Given the tragedies of recent days from Hurricane Sandy to New Town, there are so many families facing unimaginable loss and permanent changes in their lives. I sought universal truths to give us hope and comfort.
5 Tips from a Powerhouse Business Woman
Recently, I heard a compelling speech on the topic of how to achieve ‘power’ in business. The perspective was relevant to me. I am interested in hearing your perspectives……
Gratitude in the Workplace...Really?!
Research has shown that employees who feel appreciated are more productive and loyal. Yet, amazingly, that message hasn’t reached many of those in charge. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discusses a steep decline in gratitude in the workplace. What is up with that?!