Revealing a clear path
for you and your business
Revealing a clear path
for you and your business

Welcome to the first step on your path to a brighter future. My name is Kristin Kaufman and it is my goal to see you succeed in your future endeavors. Drawing on over 25 years of experience working in and with Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations, I am here to help guide you, your team, and/or your company to new levels of personal and professional fulfillment.
Align your values, talents, goals, and intentions.
My mission is to help make your dreams a reality. Whether you are in need of leadership coaching or consulting, encouraging insights, or a new business opportunity, I am here to help and support you. No matter which direction you choose, the first step is to align the values most important to you, with your unique talents, and tie them to your goals and overall intentions.
Leadership Coaching & Consulting
I offer strategic, organizational, and Alignment at WorkTM consulting all targeted to your specific needs. I do not believe in offering cookie-cutter sessions, instead focusing on my client’s specific needs and wants. Alignment at WorkTM coaching and consulting are provided 1-on-1 or to businesses. Alignment at WorkTM Team Workshops/Planning Sessions are available.

Motivational Books
“Her book will motivate you and give you the courage to find your seat at any age… A must read!!!”
Reflecting the ideology of Alignment, I wrote the Is This Seat Taken?® series to inspire any who are looking for their place in the world.
Speaking Events
It has been a privilege to address many organizations on the topics of individual and organizational alignment, leadership, and the lessons outlined in my book series: “Is This Seat Taken?”. As a key note speaker, event emcee/moderator, and panel participant, it has been fulfilling to share my experiences with many diverse audiences.

Alignment at WorkTM Online Education
Whether you're just beginning your journey to find alignment, or whether you're ready to implement these principles with your organization, Kristin Kaufman has created a self-directed Alignment at WorkTM online course to fit your needs.