Kristin's Blog
Weekend Musing
“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way.” — Rollo May Have we lost our way? Maybe we need to sit and be still, instead of running, competing, jumping, and humping.
Scrappy Communication
Many of you know of my loyalty to Adam Bryant’s series, The Corner Office in the Sunday New York Times. I found this article particularly compelling due to Jenny Ming’s, president and CEO of clothing chain Charlotte Russe, authentic and humble answers to Adam Bryant’s questions. Two key takeaways for me: No matter how large or small a…
7-Questions to test 'Where are we are going'?
Note to readers: To read the entire article requires either a subscription to HBR or you can opt to just purchase this particular article. Robert Simons, Professor of Business at Harvard Business School, has written a compelling article in Harvard Business Review this past month. I love it for its simplistic nature and the richness by…
What versus Why
It is not always easy to get to the bottom of what is causing issues, obstacles, and road blocks to our progress whether this be personal or professional, individually or collectively. The natural questions typically start with ‘why.’ Why did you do this? Why are you under quota? Why is your team not making their goals? Ironically,…
How do we want to be remembered?
Ok – that may be somewhat of a morbid question; yet, it can also be quite empowering! Recently, I ran across a fascinating article in Spirituality and Health, which offers the results from a survey they conducted in answer to the question – How do we want to be remembered? There were 17 ‘top life values’ for which…
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I LOVE The Actor’s Studio shown on BRAVO and other cable stations notable by the many reputable actors who participate, and my personal favorite, James Lipton, the scholar, actor, and incredible interviewer of these legends. There are 10 questions he would ask at the end of every interview; and it was always my favorite part and…
A question was asked of me recently: “What do I think about aging?” In the world of suck and tuck, poof and puff, and every other aspect of a ‘wind tunnel’ on a face, it was a refreshing question. Today’s answer: Growing old, and having a completed life, is a privilege. Getting old is indeed…
Meet stress, our killer
We all know stress can be a killer. I personally know the effect stress can have on health, lack of sleep, appetite, depression, and even the ‘big’ health issues, which put things into proper perspective like nothing else will. There have been thousands of books and articles written about this topic, and we have heard tips on what to do…
What IS Job Satisfaction?
If I had even a nickle for the thousands of people through my life who have said that they dislike or even hate their jobs, I would not need to work! Literally. This year, job satisfaction has hit a 22 year low in the United States. Money is the driver, by the way. That is…
The Courage of Originality
“We owe most of our great inventions and most of our achievements of genius to idleness – either enforced or voluntary. The human mind prefers to be spoon-fed with the thoughts of others, but deprived of such nourishment it will, reluctantly, begin to think for itself – and such thinking, remember is original thinking and…