Kristin's Blog
Feeling low?
Recently, I have had several conversations with individual who are feeling a bit low. The reasons vary. Some are looking for new positions, others are simply unhappy in their current environment, and still others are simply suffering from mild depression brought on by years of dissatisfaction in their current state. What can we do to…
What drives Meaning?
A client recently gave me a fabulous summary of Bill Moyer’s remarks from a conference at which he was speaking in Washington DC. I have always admired Bill Moyer and his work, especially his series of interviews with Joseph Campbell, the legendary mythologist. There was one section from his talk which is particularly worthy of thoughtful…
Virtues of the Self-Employed
As many know and experience in today’s economy, being self-employed is growing increasingly difficult. However, it is critical that we realize when it comes to the economy, the self-employed contribute a huge proportion. In fact, it is estimated that there are 23 million self-employed businesses in the United States, which represent 80% of the small…
Salient Points from Mark Cuban
I recently read a short yet powerful synopsis of an interview with Mark Cuban in CRN, Computer Reseller News. We all know of his remarkable success of selling for billions and his future successes with the Dallas Mavericks and other diverse interests. There are a few golden nuggets from Mark relative to his road…
69, 33, 22
For 69 days, 33 miners lived thousands of feet underground in Chile. Their story has made headlines for weeks. It only took the faithful rescue crew 22 hours to free each and every one of them. An amazing story of courage, faith, innovation, and persistence. What can we learn from this? What would we want with us if…
Always go to the Funeral
I give credit to this title to Deirdre Sullivan, who offered this powerful essay in the book “This I Believe,” which I highly recommend. She tells the story about how her father had once told her she had to go to a funeral she did not want to attend. He said she needed to do this…
Lessons from the Past
Last week I took a trip down memory lane. I had the opportunity to reunite with colleagues from various points in my life, some dating all the way back to my childhood, through several distinct personal and professional meetings. It is interesting what goes through one’s mind and how conversations evolve when reuniting with close…
Small Acts of Kindness
I read a heartwarming story on the plane coming back from San Francisco this week. It was a story of a war veteran returning home from a controversial war in which we were involved many years ago. There was great hostility toward the veterans, with frequent rudeness and caustic interactions. This man boarded a flight…
Growth in the Learning Zone
Over the years, I have lead workshops where we encourage the participants to get out of their comfort zone and move into their learning zone. That place where we are not quite into the panic zone, yet, we are stretching and challenging ourselves to do something that clearly is not comfortable. This zone could be…
The Power in Wobbly Moments
Last week I met with several clients who are experiencing ‘the wobblies.’ You know what I mean, when we are just not 100% sure about basically everything in our lives! Where we are, where we are going, how we really feel, what we really want, or even what we stand for and believe. We believe everyone…