Kristin's Blog
Ending 2018 with Intention
I don’t know about you, yet 2018 has been a challenging year. Full of opportunity, learning experiences, and unforeseen happenings. As an ‘off the scale’ introvert, I relish in time for reflection of what ‘all this means’ and how I can continue to grow and fully reach my potential. I always look forward to this…
Are you ready?
As we enter the last few months of 2018, my mind was drawn back to this time last year for our family. We had been thrown curve ball after curve ball…..and we had to respond in kind. Thankfully, and with gratitude beyond words, we managed; and in some cases, we sailed through the challenges. This…
Our 'Company'...does it matter?! 3 Thoughts
“You are the company you keep.” Most of us have heard that adage… probably from our parents as we were growing up. I know I did. Back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s – parents wanted their children to surround themselves with friends of sound moral, ethical, and spiritual values. You know, those girls and…
Tornado Wisdom....What Personal Tragedies Teach Us
Many of you may know that our family lake home was hit by a tornado last month. It was (is) devastating. When a roof is torn off during a storm of this magnitude, the water damage is unbelievable. We lost the ceilings, floors, electrical, all the HVAC, and most of the furniture and contents which…
Focus - A Disappearing Art
What is it about our lives these days?! We are all running so fast, multi-tasking at every turn…..talking, driving, emailing, texting, cooking dinner, etc. etc. Yes… I ‘get it’….we have a lot to get done and not enough time to complete it all! However, most of us have read the numerous articles written about the…
Plaid for Women Highlights Kristin's Perspectives
There is nothing more powerful than accessing our own intuition. Building our self awareness can be powerful. Plaid for Women highlights Kristin’s perspectives on this. Click here to read this enlightening article.
3 Tips on How to Lead by Influence
When a new opportunity was introduced to me a few years ago, the business to consumer model conjured up memories of the door to door Fuller Brush sales man from the 1960’s. Yet, I have always believed in the necessity for multiple revenue streams, and the concept of residual revenue with this business was particularly…
3 Career Derailers
Let’s face it…..we have all met a myriad of challenges in our careers. Any of these sound familiar: shortage of resources, being out maneuvered politically, others taking credit for our work, losing a pivotal deal to the competition…..?! And these are just the tip of the iceberg!! Few of us, if any, will have a…
Plaid For Women Publishes Kristin's Article on Success
What is the one question which can predict your chances for success? Plaid for Women posted Kristin’s article on this very topic…..and it has been received with rave reviews. Click here to read…..
Plaid for Women Highlights Kristin's Take on Change