Kristin's Blog

What are you worth?
Many years ago a mentor taught me a very important lesson. He said: the value you place on yourself, is the value the market will place on you (aka: what you are worth). This concept can be harder to embrace than what one may think. It takes confidence, truthful assessment, courage, and the chutzpah to…
5 Actions to Create the Life You Want
Lately, it seems everyone is offering ‘pat answers’ to solve big challenges. Well…you and I both know it is not that easy. Creating the life we want does not happen by accident… takes focus, intention, consistency, and discipline. Yet, there are a few things which I have found that are helping me continue to pursue…
Today is The Day!!
Today is the day that book #3 in the ‘Is This Seat Taken?’ books series is officially released. This book is much more vulnerable than books 1 and 2; and shares very raw stories – some happy, some sad, and some challenging. Yet, all the stories are intended to shed light on day to day…
4 Ways to Know 'If The Time is Right'
Have you ever met someone or some opportunity ‘happens’ across your path…. and in fact…. you are ‘interested’ yet something holds you back?Have you ever really wanted to move forward with an opportunity – yet are just not ‘sure’ the timing is right?Have you ever thought that it is ‘too late’ to create the life…
8 Tips to Become More Resilient
I don’t know about you – yet there are times in life where it seems bricks just keep being added to an already heavy load! Death, illness, loss of job, rejection….the list is long. So – how can we improve our ability to handle the stress? Here are 8 tips which absolutely help us develop…
7 Quotes to Build a Life of No Regrets
If you have read any of my books in the ‘Is This Seat Taken?’ book series, you’ll know I’m passionate about the wisdom offered from others. These tidbits can be from my parents, other authors, business executives, poets, and even ‘every day people’. I hope these 7 quotations will give you ’cause for pause’….and perhaps…
6 Tips to Become a Thriving Business Owner
Many of us have left the corporate arena to build small businesses and/or develop multiple revenue streams in the form of a portfolio career. I have been asked by several colleagues of late…..what are a few tips which have helped you build a successful entrepreneurial lifestyle and career?The attached podcast highlight 6 tips which have…
7 Tips to create an ALIGNED Week
Ever felt like your life is not heading in the direction you want? Perhaps, somewhere along the way you ‘lost the plot’ and wonder where am I going and why?! Or maybe you have clarity on where and why ….. yet you are just plain tired or burned out? I get it! So, I wanted…
4 Reflections from this Entrepreneurial Journey
This past week I have been reflecting on lessons learned over the past several years as I work to create thriving entrepreneurial businesses. Many of the lessons were seeded by my mother….and are as relevant to me today as they were when I was a child. I hope these 4 observations will be of benefit…
Is This It?! Three Thoughts.....
So, here we are….Week 3 of 2019! The year is off and running!! Yes….many are moving forward successfully with their goals and resolutions. Yet…..many MANY others may have hit a speed bump. It is interesting, next to getting healthier (losing weight, exercising, no alcohol, etc.) ….saving and making more money is a close second. I…