Kristin's Blog

5 Easy Ways to Stand Out....and they will Surprise You!
Recently, I was watching one of the zillions of online interviews and webinars proliferating our world these days. I was amused at some of the points this self-made successful CEO was sharing. He was positioning them as if they were ‘rocket science’. Yet, actually, every single one of them I can personally point back to…
What is the Purpose for the Pain?!
So, 2020 is clearly in the rear view mirror…..can I have an ‘Amen’?! Yet….many of my clients have asked me…’what is the purpose for the pain’ we have experienced? There is no magic answer….yet, I do have a perspective. Click this link to hear a short 6 minute perspective….. Would love your comments…..what have your…
7 Non-Negotiable Tips to Lead through the Pandemic
As we near, what we universally hope is the end of the pandemic, let’s face it – we are not through the proverbial ‘knot hole’ yet. Many venture to say it could be the end of 2021 before we are back to our ‘new pseudo normal’. And, what I can say with absolute certainty: NO…
4 Tips to Reframe your Career (or your Biz)
Ok, so here we are starting a new year….after what was arguably one of the most challenging years of our generation. Sure…some had record breaking revenues and income in 2020….and others had a pretty tough year, in more ways than just financial. In 2021, we have the opportunity to ‘turn the page’, and write an…
2021.....What's 1 way to make this year the best year possible?
Most of us are VERY happy to turn the page from 2020 to 2021. 2020 was a year for the record books… many ways and on many levels. As we enter 2021, many of us want to ‘up’ our individual (and collective) plans for continued growth and ongoing improvement. This ritual of writing New Year’s…
Taking Stock
Thank you to Plaid for Women for posting my latest article on ‘taking stock’. It is so important to stay in gratitude for both the good and the challenging. Not always easy….yet, all things for a Divine reason. Here is the article:
Behaviors of Leaders in Victory Tells All
Leaders can be somewhat hard to find these days. I know I have been surprised, hurt, and even dumbfounded by certain leader’s behaviors of late. Whether this is on a global, national, local, business, or even personal platform, we ALL have the opportunity to LEAD by example. This particular article ( is very short yet…
The Power of Compounding
Over these past pandemic-ridden several months, I have been revisiting many books in my ‘at home’ library. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy (the founding editor of Success magazine) is one such book. I love it. It not necessarily ‘revolutionary’. To be honest, much of his content is not new to me; most of it…
What exactly is courage?
So, as some of you may know, I released my third book in the Is This Seat Taken? trilogy late last year. In the spirit of full transparency, it was with a healthy combination of passion, excitement and fear that I did this. This book, in particular, was extremely vulnerable and soul-bearing. And it had been more than a year of…
New ONLINE Course - Coming Soon!!
For months now, my clients (and followers) have been requesting ‘online’ courses that will provide the insights, tips, and techniques I provide ‘in person’ in a virtual manner. I’m excited to announce THAT REQUEST is becoming a REALITY!! Thank you to those of you who gave your input on what subject/s were of MOST interest…