Kristin's Blog

When I formed Alignment, Inc. almost 20 years ago...
When I formed Alignment, Inc. almost 20 years ago, the word (and concept) of ‘alignment’ were, for the most part, reserved for body shops and chiropractors! Yet, successful leaders and my senior leader/CEO friends LOVED the concept as they said THAT is what distinguishes successful leaders, organizations, cultures, and strategies. Of course, I could not…
How to 'Hook 'Em'.....Tips to Capture Someone's Attention and CLOSE them....
As an entrepreneur, one has to master the art of capturing attention, holding it, and closing it. This is not always easy – especially in a crowded market. Today’s podcast focuses on 4 tips on how to do this effectively AND the key questions to ask and answer to make this happen! Short, succinct, and…
5 Thoughts that Literally CHANGED my LIFE 18 Months ago
2023 is half over. Hard to believe and I don’t know about you – it is scary how fast life is speeding by. And, I take that pretty seriously. Most of my clients are very focused on contributing at their highest levels. And yet, often we get tripped up – for various reasons. I know…
4 "Ah-ha's" From Bali and the Month of June
So, this month was full of rich, soul-expanding experiences. In this short 13-minute podcast, I share 4 ‘ah-ha’s which are relevant for all of us….at any stage in life. It is raw, unfiltered, and unscripted. Your comments are welcomed!
10 Steps for Improvement - Mid Year! (Hint: Never too late!)
Unbelievably….we are starting the mid-year point of 2023! Many of my clients have asked over the years….’what are a few basic tips to improve my life’? Well…none of this is rocket science – yet, these points are still relevant. Curious? Simply click below to watch my short little video with a few steps ALL of…
Urgency through a Finite Timeline
Over the past few months, I have lost several dear family friends. Some, one may consider, in an ‘expected timeline’, and others prematurely – frankly, in the prime of their lives.Not that I needed another nudge (because as most of you know, I have faced my own mortality more than once); however, it seems the…
Opening the Kimono - A few observations
So – I’m going to open my proverbial kimono today. I posted these thoughts on one of my social media profiles – and it hit a nerve. So, I am sending this to my followers….. This photo (at the bottom of this post) was from a LONG time ago – (20 years ago). I am…
5 Years Later.....Continued Observations
February 20, 2018 – my life changed forever. Five years later – there are still ‘ah-ha’s’, observations, and lessons to share. This short podcast – though personal and vulnerable – I hope will be of benefit to you. Your comments are welcomed.
Off the Rails Already? 5 Thoughts.....
As we come to the end of the first month of a new year, many of my clients already feel like they’ve ‘gone off the rails’. I get it. Last week, I gave a webinar which has received an unusually high number of accolades. I am not sure why this particular message ‘hit the mark’;…
8 Minutes of Gratitude
During this month of Thanksgiving, I thought it only fitting to offer gratitude for so many things in life. And no, not all are ‘hummingbirds and roses’.In fact, some of my greatest blessings have been some of the most challenging times.And, this month, I decided to offer a podcast (versus a written blog), in my…