Tag: alignment at work

6 Thoughts to Build a Powerful Team

Recently, I have been engaged with a few organizations and teams who are struggling to build good working environments. We have all heard the adage ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ and this most certainly is true. Most of us have been members of teams and organizations that were, in a word, dysfunctional. No one was happy. Everyone was competing for […]

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31 Observations to Consider

Recently, I’ve read several articles where the author has shared their perspectives on life and business. They were thought-provoking. Coupled with those articles, many of my clients and followers have asked me: ‘what have you learned, given all the challenges during the pandemic, etc., in the past 24 months? Hmmm….we’ve all been tested and stretched, […]

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7 Small Tweaks for BIG Impact in 2022

Too many of us are working really hard….running on that proverbial hamster wheel….trying to make a big difference, create something substantive, or just trying to make a huge amount of money. Equally, many are looking for that magic ‘something’ to catapult their business, their careers, and even their lives into the orbit they want. The […]

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