Kristin's Blog
Your Brand
It seems like every time I turn around there is someone speaking or writing on how to develop, maintain, and foster a ‘personal brand’ in your career and life. In fact, I give talks on this myself – which have been enthusiastically received over the past few years. Yet, as with so many things, these discussions can become complicated, complex, and just “one more thing” to remember when we are already inundated 24/7 with voice mails, emails, deadlines, and other pressures at work and at home. So, how can we keep this concept simple and still relevant? A few tips as we start this new week:
From Actor to CEO?
I found this past week’s “Corner Office” in The New York Times particularly provocative. Adam Bryant interviewed Caryl M. Stern, president and chief executive of the U.S. Fund for Unicef. Her background is diverse and interesting. She graduated from Westchester Community College where she was involved in theatre. Mr. Bryant acknowledged she was one of several CEO’s he has interviewed who also studied theatre. What was the lesson? This was her answer:
“You need to be able to get up and deliver the good news and the bad news. It’s just that same feeling before you go on stage, and you take that deep breath. In my organization now, with several hundred people working for me, I have to be that policeman and that show leader at the same time. So what better training is there?”
Weekend Musing
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ~ Abraham Lincoln What makes up our shadow and our tree? As Barbara Walters would say: “What kind of tree do we want to be?” What is holding us back?
Make the Effort
One thing that always helps us to stand out in life and in business is when we appear to have ‘made the effort.’ This simple concept can be applied in a myriad of ways to a million different circumstances. I learned this lesson when I was a young girl from my mother, as her advice…
Staying the Course
Many of my clients are running and enduring their own business marathons. Some are considering a change of career. Others are navigating challenging and often disillusioning job hunts. A few are managing politically challenging projects. Several face often what appear to be insurmountable sales quotas in this recessionary period. No one has the corner on the market…
Rise Up!
Recently, I came across a resource I am so bullish on, I am actually using one of my daily blogs to post this reference. Patty Azzarello and I met only once many years ago; yet we have many mutual mentors and friends in the industry. She has recently published a book entitled, RISE, which I believe is…
The "Net-Net" on CEO's
As most of you know, I am an avid reader of Adam Bryant’s The Corner Office in the Sunday New York Times. This Sunday’s article was succinct, powerful, and rich in information. If you are interested in building your skills and attributes as a leader – this article is worth the time to read through completely. In…
Weekend Musing
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. ~ Francis Maitland Balfour What are we…
There is a time and a place for emotion. I have had clients of late share their experiences where emotions, either their own or their partners, colleagues or suppliers, have clouded their judgment and their ability to conduct business in the most effective way. A few thoughts on this: Sure, we are human beings and we…
The Man in the Mirror
Ok, I’ll admit it, I love American Idol. This year’s season has been strange. The talent is amazing, and yet to think that Pia Toscano would be voted off is simply shocking. I have always loved Michael Jackson’s rendition of “Man in the Mirror” and this past weeks performance by Jacob Lusk was fabulous. As…