Shoutout DFW Highlights Kristin
How fun and exciting to be highlighted by Shoutout DFW in their November issue!! The link to the article is here!
How fun and exciting to be highlighted by Shoutout DFW in their November issue!! The link to the article is here!
During this month of Thanksgiving (in the United States), I thought it only fitting to ask the poignant question: For what am I grateful? I wrote a similar post several years ago. Much water has gone under that bridge – much loss, much hardship – yet Gratitude always trumps Grief. This 10-minute podcast will shed […]
In this month’s podcast, I share 10 shifts to help make the last quarter of 2023 the BEST of the year. None of these are ‘hard’ – in fact, they are small and relatively easy to accomplish. Yet, they deliver a BIG PUNCH and a HUGE IMPACT. Take a listen and let me know your […]
As an entrepreneur, one has to master the art of capturing attention, holding it, and closing it. This is not always easy – especially in a crowded market. Today’s podcast focuses on 4 tips on how to do this effectively AND the key questions to ask and answer to make this happen! Short, succinct, and […]
2023 is half over. Hard to believe and I don’t know about you – it is scary how fast life is speeding by. And, I take that pretty seriously. Most of my clients are very focused on contributing at their highest levels. And yet, often we get tripped up – for various reasons. I know […]
Over the past few months, I have lost several dear family friends. Some, one may consider, in an ‘expected timeline’, and others prematurely – frankly, in the prime of their lives.Not that I needed another nudge (because as most of you know, I have faced my own mortality more than once); however, it seems the […]
So – I’m going to open my proverbial kimono today. I posted these thoughts on one of my social media profiles – and it hit a nerve. So, I am sending this to my followers….. This photo (at the bottom of this post) was from a LONG time ago – (20 years ago). I am […]
It is impossible to go into any restaurant, retail store, hospital, or other Corporate and even Non-Profit entity and not experience a shortage of staff. It is palpable. Recently, I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the Arkansas Derby where we had a fabulous time (and yes, we WON!!). Yet, the shortage of staff was unbelievable. […]
Here’s the skinny: there is always – always – a ‘list’. The ‘list’ from which decisions are made for opportunities, promotions, new projects, visible ‘task forces’… name it. There is always a list. The truth of the matter is this: rarely – if ever – are we present when life-changing career decisions are made for […]
We are well on our way to a brand new year. It is hard to believe we beginning month #2 in the year 2022. I believe when we declare things to ourselves (and others)….they become real. Here are 11 thoughts that I am declaring and embracing – perhaps they may stir something in you, as […]