Category: Organizational Alignment

6 Thoughts to Build a Powerful Team

Recently, I have been engaged with a few organizations and teams who are struggling to build good working environments. We have all heard the adage ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ and this most certainly is true. Most of us have been members of teams and organizations that were, in a word, dysfunctional. No one was happy. Everyone was competing for […]

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3 STEPS to Halt the Great Resignation from YOUR Company

It is impossible to go into any restaurant, retail store, hospital, or other Corporate and even Non-Profit entity and not experience a shortage of staff. It is palpable. Recently, I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the Arkansas Derby where we had a fabulous time (and yes, we WON!!). Yet, the shortage of staff was unbelievable. […]

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A Provocative Perspective…..on a well-beaten Topic

Recently, I watched one the single most amazing TED talks I have ever seen. Frances Frei, a Harvard Business School professor, tips the traditional perspective of ‘trust’  – as a foundational tenant of leadership – on it’s ear. She is clearly brilliant. Funny. Direct. Unassuming. And her cadence and enunciation held the audience captive until […]

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A New Chapter for Alignment™

THANK YOU to so many of you for taking part in my marketing research a few months ago. Your input was very informative and valuable, and I sincerely appreciate the time you took answering my questions. After interviewing and surveying several dozen executives like yourself, and garnering information of what is needed (and desired) from […]

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7 Ways to LEAD through Crisis (and a gift from me to you)

Never have we ever experienced anything like this in our lifetimes. We are in a crisis. We did not choose it. We did not cause it. Yet….it is the hand we’ve been dealt. Leading with our ‘tried and true’ methods may not be the best course in today’s climate. Our traditional ‘playbook’ may not fit […]

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The Importance of Cultural Fit

Have you ever joined an organization – personally or professionally – and realized after a short time, that you just don’t ‘fit in’? Or have you ever joined a company – loved it and the culture – only to have the culture shift so much over time that is it hardly recognizable and it does […]

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Office Politics are Real – 6 Tips to Consider

In working with high level clients in Fortune 50 companies to rapidly growing venture-backed companies, it is truth that ‘office politics’ are no myth. They are painfully real and pervasive. In its worst form, I compare office politics to the mean girls from junior high school…..fed by jealousy, insecurity, and competitiveness. And yes, those mean […]

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