Category: Personal Growth & Alignment

4 Lessons from an Octogenarian

I am quite certain there are many more than just 4 lessons we can all learn from those who have lived over 80 years. Recently, my mother had to undergo a hip replacement, and though she has not sailed through the experience, she continues to teach through her actions how to embrace and meet challenges head on. These 4 lessons are applicable to each of us – every day – with the routine challenges in life

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Now What?!!

I cannot begin to tell you how many of my clients – from age 35 to age 65 – are questioning what is next for their lives. Thus, this is the second blog in which we are focusing on the “now what?!” question. Many are unhappy in their current roles yet power through every day unsure of how/if to leave; others are in transition having already taken the plunge by leaving their cushy corporate jobs to reduce their stress (and unfortunately their income stream); some have been riffed due to age (and please don’t tell me that doesn’t happen – because I see it happening every single day); and still others realize they want to leave soon, yet have no clue what they can do and even what they want to do. Sound familiar?

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5 Suggestions for Your Next Act

Lately, many of my colleagues and clients have shared their desire to reconsider what they really want to do in this next chapter of their lives. These musings are not necessarily due to unhappiness in their current state (though some are, to be honest); yet, many simply have a desire to expand, stretch, and augment their lives, their revenue streams, and the way in which they contribute.

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4 Tips to Touch for Impact

Recently after giving a keynote on my book “Is This Seat Taken?” and the power of the random encounter, a friend told me about a fabulous book which covers a related concept. This book emphasizes that having an effective ‘touchpoint’ is about really connecting, being present – eyeball to eyeball – with another. He summed his perspective of effectively engaging into the ‘4 A’s’.

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6 Realities of Power

Let’s face it: businesses are run by people in power. And we know power comes from many origins. This reality allows those wielding it to use very different approaches and methods to get what they want and need. Much has been written and proclaimed about the various types of power in business. In this post, I offer a few of my own experiences and observations of how power can surface in business – and life.

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