Kristin's Blog
The Drip Method
Recently I was reading a fabulous book, The Extraordinary Coach by John Zenger, which had a great analogy relative to giving feedback to employees. As you all know, I am a big believer in giving and getting feedback on a regular basis. Feedback is a gift – as cliched as this may sound. In his…
The Measure of the Man
Last night I was watching a news program relative to the ongoing saga of British Petroleum and the lack of responsiveness to the oil crisis, the passing of the mantle from Tony Hayward to Bob Dudley, and the ongoing ’20-20′ hindsight commentary of how the company’s leadership responded to the crisis. I am certain there…
Wisdom from the 6th Floor
A friend of mine is suffering from a very severe form of cancer. It has manifested in his brain and he is undergoing an extreme regime of chemotherapy which has forced him to reside in the hospital for months at a time. His strength of courage and tremendously uplifting attitude has inspired many of us over…
Breathing A.I.R.
Recently I had the distinct pleasure of working with the The Center for Educational Innovation – Public Education Association (CEI-PEA), which is a New York City-based nonprofit organization that creates successful public schools and educational programs. These individuals are doing tremendous things to improve the quality of education for the 1.6 million children in the New…
Inch by Inch
Many of my clients are ending their third quarter and embarking on Q4 or, at a minimum, coming into the second half of their fiscal year. Many are struggling to make their sales quota numbers, shore up their teams, secure the funding and resources needed, or simply unify their organizations to work more collaboratively together. They have…
Discouraged? Take heart in reading about these famous hard starts....
Each of us has felt down on our luck at one time or another. In fact, I have a few clients who have admitted to me that they think ‘life has passed them by’ and that it is ‘too late’ to accomplish their dreams. I stumbled across this book a few years ago, and dusted…
When mentoring goes awry
It seems that every company is embarking on a formal mentoring program. Many have met with mixed success. There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal not too long ago, which I thought had a few salient points to consider on this topic. Below are key points which may lead to the program…
Sharing generously - the secret to wealth?
Last week, I read a parable which I found intoxicatingly wise. It has to do with giving generously and with no expectation. This particularly struck me, as recently a colleague was hoarding information which could have helped us all reach a collective goal; yet, this person would not share this information with anyone. I could ponder…
The Power of Gratitude
I was reading an article over the weekend which outlined the top five ways a leader leads. Each lesson was important – ranging from modeling leadership behavior to creating a vision to challenging team members to stretch themselves in order to reach the goal. However, the one that really grabbed me was one on ‘encouraging the…
Don't Stop Believing
This song has always been a favorite of mine…and I will admit that I am a purist in loving the original by Journey. I have never seen the show Glee; yet, many of my clients and friends are addicts and have encouraged me to watch. I stumbled across this video – and thought is was so uplifting…