Kristin's Blog
Weekend Musing
A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. Mohandas Gandhi To what do we say no? To what do we say yes? What is driving those decisions?
The Whining Dilemma
Many of us may feel we have been dealt an unfair hand. We may feel the obstacles with which we are confronted are insurmountable. We may feel like we are not in the ‘inner circle’ at our company. We may feel that we are being ‘set-up’ and there is no way out of the current…
Moving Up within the Company
In this podcast, Kristin talks about moving up within a company and offers guidance on getting past some of the barriers.
Public speaking
Do you have fear or apprehension about speaking publicly? How we prepare means everything to a successful outcome. In this podcast, Kristin provides several tips on preparing.
Making it Safe
We are in a recession. Secure jobs are valued. We don’t want to screw up and potentially lose our jobs. Fear can take over. What happens when fear takes over? We don’t stretch or take risks. Creativity and ‘out of box’ thinking and execution is virtually squelched. We play it safe. Playing it too safe does…
Positioning Yourself
The devil’s in the details in this podcast on how to best position yourself when looking for a job or for a promotion within. Determine what makes you different and how best to package it.
Six Secrets
Recently I picked up Dale Carnegie’s classic, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” and became reintroduced to the incredible wisdom in this book. I wanted to share the highlights of one chapter which I thought was relevant particularly to a few clients with whom I am working. The chapter is entitled: “How to Make People…
Kris Wittenberg founded SayNoMore! Promotions in 1999. The premise on which Kris and her husband began the business was with the simple mindset to be leaders – not followers in a very competitive field. As an industry leader, they thrive on the challenge of finding truly unique gifts that catch the eye and draw people…
The Eyes Have It
Recently I have been asked by several clients how they will know where they stand or what someone is thinking about them when they are talking. Certainly there are many factors which play into ‘reading’ people; this is a meaty topic on which entire books have been written. Lets consider two techniques of how just our eyes can tell…
Positioning Yourself
The devil’s in the details in this podcast on how to best position yourself when looking for a job or for a promotion within. Determine what makes you different and how best to package it.