Kristin's Blog

Impactful Stories
How can we stand out? How can we entice new companies, organizations, clients, and potential customers to take notice of what we have to offer? This question is top of mind for many who are interviewing for new positions internally within their current company, as well as those looking for opportunity outside their company. There…
A Career B12
Recently, a successful mid-level manager told me he thought his career has stalled. He was still delivering the goods for his organization, building strong leaders from within his team, and providing thought leadership for his company. However, he felt he was being passed over for key positions. Even worse, he thought he might not be…
Effective Apologizing
Recently, one of my clients confided that he had made a huge mistake with a member of his team. Yet, he just couldn’t muster the courage to admit his wrongdoing, apologize, and attempt to make it right. I have seen this many times in my career. False pride, embarrassment, and fear of being seen in…
Networking 101: Standing Out from the Crowd
Most of you know I don’t like the word ‘networking.’ I much prefer referring to meeting and making connections with others as relationship building. Recently, while giving a presentation to a group of professionals, this topic came up over and over. “How do we build an effective network? There are so many networking events and so…
Procrastination - An Unwelcome Friend
Procrastination is not a trait I’m known for, yet when I made the decision to write my first book, it became an unwelcome friend. In this podcast, I offer a few tips that helped me push through this problem.
Success Aligned Her Passion & Expertise
In today’s “Smooth Landing,” I want to reference an article I ran across in Entrepreneur Magazine about eFlirt Expert and it’s founder Laurie Davis, a former Fortune 500 marketing consultant. I found the article charming, powerful, and uniquely appropriate for Valentine’s Day week! It is a story about how a marketing expert turns her skills…
Early Spring Cleaning
A few of my clients were talking about how they used their ‘shut-in’ time due to the bad weather to do some early spring cleaning. Their enthusiasm was motivating and caused me to come up with some tips to help us all. Pick one drawer a week to organize. This means the junk drawer, the…
Retreat Can Move You Forward
Last week, I wrote about the ‘rejuvenation of rest,’ sleeping in, and taking advantage of having the down time. This week, I wanted to reflect on the perspective we can get from just being quiet. Time for reflection may be realized through meditation, listening to music, long bubble paths or long morning runs. By turning off the noise, we…
The Limb
Recently a client was trying to determine whether to pursue a seemingly out of reach objective. He would be going out on limb, and potentially risk failure, exposure, and possibly even his credibility. He was pursuing a promotion for which he was qualified; yet, the position was out of his business unit, two levels up, and…
BS Meetings and Conference Calls
How many times have we gone to a meeting or hung up from a conference call and asked, ‘What was that about?’ Over the past few months, a colleague and I have repeatedly made that comment regarding meetings we have been asked to attend. And to be honest, even with best intentions, every single one…