Kristin's Blog
Hindsight's 20/20
Most of us are familiar with the adage: Hindsight’s 20/20. And many parents, leaders, and experienced business executives tout that experience is the best teacher. In addition, often when we look back upon our lives and career experiences, we realize ‘we could’ve or should’ve’ done something differently to achieve a different result and espouse, ‘Well, hindsight is…
Four Building Blocks
Recently, I was asked what I thought played into an individual’s success when assuming a leadership or executive role. Clearly, there are numerous books, studies, and entire programs built around building leadership capacity. However, when trying to structure my answer to this group of leaders, these were the basic pillars which I offered as a foundation for…
Beggars and Kings
This past Sunday’s New York Time’s From the Corner Office was particularly provocative to me, as it reinforced something which had been instilled in me at an early age. The interview with Romil Bahl, president and C.E.O. of PRGX, a data mining and audit recovery firm, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Romil was discussing…
Top 10 Attributes of a Winner
A client of mine recently shared a fabulous book with me: WIN: Take your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Interesting book, with meaty information for leaders from every aspect of the organization – sales to finance to operations to Board. There was one list which was particularly compelling – the 10 attributes of a winner.…
Weekend Musing
Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him. ~ James Allen What are we thinking which is manifesting in our lives? How can we ‘change the frame’ around those thoughts which…
Weekend Musing
“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” ~ The Talmud How do we see things? What factors impact our view? How can we change the frame through which we view the world?
Trust Trumps
Recently, I read an article about Stephen Covey, (not the Stephen Covey from ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ fame, but his son). The article was espousing the virtues of trust, and how our world in business and society, not to mention geo-politically, has become a pervasively low-trust world. His perspective on trust is…
Forbidden Cliches
Recently, a favorite columnist of mine, Cheryl Hall from The Dallas Morning News, wrote an entertaining and compelling article entitled: “Buzzwords to Banish.” She builds a perspective relative to overused and often completely confusing words that have invaded our ‘business speak!’ She denounces cliches such as ‘at the end of the day,’ ‘killer app,’ ‘out of the box,’ ’24…
The Irrational Boss
This past weekend I reconnected with a dear colleague with whom I worked many years ago. He was sharing a challenge he often faces with the CEO of his company, to whom he reports. Please understand, this person and his boss have a wonderful and mutually respectful relationship; however, there are times when my friend says…
Are You Hiring?
Thousands of books and techniques have been written on how to effectively find, screen, interview, and hire the ‘right people for the bus.’ Equally, there are thousands of consultants who are paid good money to help teach companies how to effectively interview, as well as, retained recruiters that help find capable candidates worthy of consideration. Yet,…