Kristin's Blog
Getting Where You Want to Go
When leaders and executives are trying to achieve the impossible – whether this is raising the final round of funding for a venture backed start-up, publishing their first book, or simply losing those last 25 pounds, there are three things we simply must keep in the forefront of our minds: Define the dream and make…
Smart Phone Etiquette
This post is being made at the request of those who commented on last week’s entry regarding ‘Being Late – Not an Option.’ Many of you voiced frustration with individuals also lacking etiquette with iPhones, Blackberries, and texting. So, it is very simple: When you are meeting with someone, whether this is personal or professional,…
Powering Through
Many of you may be feeling business pressure, financial concerns, and out right fear of what 2011 and beyond holds. I don’ t know a single person that is not feeling taxed on every level: personally, professionally, monetarily – you name it. Remember, I do this for a living – so I hear alot from alot…
Finding the Bright Spots
In this podcast, we hear about finding the “bright spots” in ourselves and applying those strengths in new and different ways in our work and life.
Weekend Musing
Picture yourself in your minds eye as having already achieved this goal. See yourself doing the things you’ll be doing when you’ve reached your goal. ~ Earl Nightingale What do we want to achieve? What does it feel like to have achieved it? How does reaching this destination affect our lives?
Credit for this blog goes to an interesting insight from Al Ritter’s book, 100/0. He espouses that the most effective way to create and sustain great relationships with others is for us to take full responsibility (the 100) for the relationship, expecting nothing (the 0) in return. I love this concept yet, it is typically not ‘100%’…
Informal Respect
Each of us have probably felt disrespected at least once in our lives. Disrespect can take many forms – as can respect. This past week, I observed a few behaviors which begged to be highlighted. The following are just two examples of disrespect, and a few simple suggestions of behaviorly modifications to totally change the way…
This Between the Lines article is being written primarily at the request of my readers. Many have mentioned to me the increasing prevalence of improper, inappropriate, and often just downright rude behaviors. This may be somewhat similar to an entry made back in 2009 entitled That’s So Rude. Unfortunately, it appears the trend is ‘up’ for…
Being Late - Not an Option
I have recently been amazed at how prevalent ‘being late’ has become. As professionals, and simply polite individuals, being perpetually late is simply not an option. The rational goes beyond the fact that being late is just plain being rude to the other party. There are 3 very salient additional reasons why being late is simply…
Ebby Halliday
Recently, I had the extreme honor of attending the 100th birthday party of Ebby Halliday, founder and chairman of the board of Ebby Halliday, REALTORS, at the Mort Meyerson Symphony Center. It was an extraordinary evening. Ebby always dreamed of being a bareback rider in the circus; thus, how fitting that the theme was a…