7 Thoughts Relative to the Value of a Leadership Consultant

Wth all the everyday pressures of our careers, some wonder why hire a leadership consultant or coach? It may appear to be ‘just more thing’ on a long list of things to do in a career or leadership development effort. In fact, not too long ago, executives who hired an executive or leadership coach were looked down upon as ones that were on their way out.

That was, and still is, obsolete thinking.

Today, executives who use services offered by professional executive and leadership coaches are looked upon as ones who are on their way up.

There are many reasons that have helped raise the profile of the executive coaching industry. More and more executives understand the necessity of having a coach. and/or leadership consultant. Just like with professional athletes where a sports coach is a necessity; an executive coach is a necessity for every leader or senior executive who takes their professional growth and alignment seriously. As with all careers, not all leadership consultants or coaches are created equal – though most are well intentioned. So, as with all things – do your homework, review references, and look for strong chemistry. Regardless, the justifications are numerous; the following are just a few to consider:

  1. Objective Partner for your Success. Everyone can benefit from an objective, credible, knowledgeable and experienced person – who can serve as a sounding board and sometimes an honest, candid, and unconditional experienced advisor.
  2. Deepen your self awareness and awareness of others.  Often, we don’t truly know ourselves. We are ‘out of alignment’ with what we love to do, what we are good at doing, and even for whom we are working. Coaching can help reveal oneself, and heighten understanding of other professionals on a deeper, more meaningful level. This will improve our ability to handle stress, anxiety and our ability to read others. And, it helps you build sustainability, as your intentions are clear and well-grounded.
  3. Accountability.  If you need and want to be held accountable for your results against defined objectives – a coach can be the outside partner to help.
  4. Tough questions. A coach will continue to ask tough, challenging questions about yourself, your performance and the performance of your company, division or department. The coach will work with you on how to improve in focus areas, and help explore new tactics and strategies, to achieve your ‘desired state’.
  5. Get a competitive edge.  If you are wanting to set yourself apart, be promoted, or grow your entrepreneurial venture, coaching can help show how to strengthen your individual brand and overall reputation by identifying, and exploring the creative marketing of, your unique differentiators.
  6. Learn to recognize your strengths and create a compelling brand and value proposition. Who are you? What makes you different? A coach can help you learn to narrow your focus and emphasize your strengths and skill set. Then, help you learn how to hone your message so that it is relevant to your market.
  7. Heighten your presence. From communication style, carriage, and dress, a coach can help hold the mirror so you may honestly see yourself, how you come across, and help you continue to improve so you will differentiate yourself and stand out if your field.

Still not sure why a leadership coach and consultant makes sense or how one differentiates from another? Reach out to me, I would love to discuss with you.