Category: Leadership Development

The Measure of the Man

Last night I was watching a news program relative to the ongoing saga of British Petroleum and the lack of responsiveness to the oil crisis, the passing of the mantle from Tony Hayward to Bob Dudley, and the ongoing ’20-20′ hindsight commentary of how the company’s leadership responded to the crisis. I am certain there […]

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Breathing A.I.R.

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of working with the The Center for Educational Innovation – Public Education Association (CEI-PEA), which is a New York City-based nonprofit organization that creates successful public schools and educational programs. These individuals are doing tremendous things to improve the quality of education for the 1.6 million children in the New […]

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Sharing generously – the secret to wealth?

Last week, I read a parable which I found intoxicatingly wise. It has to do with giving generously and with no expectation. This particularly struck me, as recently a colleague was hoarding information which could have helped us all reach a collective goal; yet, this person would not share this information with anyone. I could ponder […]

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Staying present – a leadership distinction

I love the New York Times’ Corner Office interviews published each Sunday morning. This past Sunday’s interview with Dan Rosensweig, president and chief executive of Chegg, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Chegg rents textbooks online and by mail. Dan speaks to a lesson he has learned, and a practice I would love to see implemented […]

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Strategic Alignment – the key to reviving the organization

Recently I have been asked to lead several board and executive retreats through their annual strategic planning process. The similarities of their challenges are startling similar – regardless of industry, non-profit or for-profit organizations. The days of plentiful donations for non-profits are gone. Double digit growth, for most companies, is a friend of distant past. […]

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