Influence Digest Chooses Kristin Kaufman in Top 15 Coaches
Wow, what a tremendous honor to be highlighted as one of the top 15 coaches in Dallas for the year 2022. It is humbling and rewarding. You can read more about this here.
Wow, what a tremendous honor to be highlighted as one of the top 15 coaches in Dallas for the year 2022. It is humbling and rewarding. You can read more about this here.
What a lovely and generous article highlighting Kristin and her work. For a glimpse into how Kristin started her business and ‘what makes her different’ – go to this article!!
Last week I delivered a webinar, which I do every month at the request of my clients and followers, and this particular webinar was very well received. So, I decided to share the high level content in this blog. My intention is to shed light on a few thoughts which completely shifted my approach to […]
Many of my clients and followers are entering their 2nd (and in some cases 3rd) chapter in their lives and careers. There is certainty AND there is ambiguity. Where to contribute? What to do? With whom to do it? How to craft the next position? How will I know for sure? Some have plenty of […]
As we enter the 2nd half of 2022, many of us reflect on the past two years and wonder… can we come out of this experience and make the most of it? Let’s face it, the pandemic continues to loom over us, inflation is on the rise, and yes…..there is a recession hanging in the […]
Recently, I’ve read several articles where the author has shared their perspectives on life and business. They were thought-provoking. Coupled with those articles, many of my clients and followers have asked me: ‘what have you learned, given all the challenges during the pandemic, etc., in the past 24 months? Hmmm….we’ve all been tested and stretched, […]
Recently, WP Minds, an online consultancy company, requested insights from Kristin as to what exactly IS ‘executive coaching’ and ‘why do executives need coaching’. Given the rapid growth of executive coaching, as an industry, the market has become clouded as to what true executive coaching IS and what distinguishes coaches who offer these services. Kristin […]
It is impossible to go into any restaurant, retail store, hospital, or other Corporate and even Non-Profit entity and not experience a shortage of staff. It is palpable. Recently, I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the Arkansas Derby where we had a fabulous time (and yes, we WON!!). Yet, the shortage of staff was unbelievable. […]
Lovely Impact, a global periodical on coaching and consulting, asked for Kristin’s perspective when she first launched her business. Her comments, and others, are highlighted here.
Here’s the skinny: there is always – always – a ‘list’. The ‘list’ from which decisions are made for opportunities, promotions, new projects, visible ‘task forces’… name it. There is always a list. The truth of the matter is this: rarely – if ever – are we present when life-changing career decisions are made for […]