Category: Leadership Development

Mid-Year and Stuck? Resources for the Needed “B12”

It is hard to believe it is July already and we are half way through 2013! Many of my clients have lamented they are not where they wanted to be at this point in the year. Yet, one thing I know for sure – if we stop pursuing whatever goal we aspire to achieve, we are guaranteed not to achieve it! So, what can we do to get our ‘mojo’ back?

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1 Big Lesson from the Back-Up Singers

Recently, there has been much fanfare about the importance of back-up singers. In fact there is a new documentary, Twenty Feet from Stardom, that pays tribute to these nameless though gifted performers who stood 20 feet from everyone from Bruce Springsteen to Michael Jackson. I have noticed and admire a single trait of these back-up singers.

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Am I Out of Control?! Maybe Just a Little? 3 Tips to Take Back the Reins

Ever felt a bit out of control of your time, your day…your life?! In two and half words – who hasn’t?! This past month, many of my clients have been juggling with their over crowded lives with sending kids to summer camp, graduations, weddings, mid-year results, and keeping all their plates spinning. How do we stay balanced, together, and aligned with how and where we want to spend our time?

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“I’ll Have what she’s having…”

Okay folks, let’s be honest. We have all compared ourselves to others at one point or another. The reason the phrase “I’ll have what she’s having” (from that fabulous movie ‘When Harry Meets Sally’) resonates with so many…is that it is not ONLY about what Meg Ryan was acting out!! We compare and contrast ourselves with others around lots of things. We often do this to gauge how we are doing based on what we see others doing.

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4 Tips to Touch for Impact

Recently after giving a keynote on my book “Is This Seat Taken?” and the power of the random encounter, a friend told me about a fabulous book which covers a related concept. This book emphasizes that having an effective ‘touchpoint’ is about really connecting, being present – eyeball to eyeball – with another. He summed his perspective of effectively engaging into the ‘4 A’s’.

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The Easy Button

Recently, one of my clients in a desperate attempt to remedy one of his ‘blind spots’ simply said: “Can you just give me a book to read so that I can get over this?”

How many times do we find ourselves seeking an ‘easy button’ to navigate through gnarly growing pains?! Darn it – if there were only an easy button to help us on our ‘self-improvement’ journey as leaders! Well, there isn’t.

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Say what you need to say.

Recently I was asked by a client to help him improve his communication capabilities. English is his second language, and he wanted to be sure his messages were coming across in the most effective manner. Through my work with this particular client, my attention to language, tone, and inflection heightened; and I became painfully aware of the shortcomings of many of us in the way in which we speak.

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