Kristin's Blog
5 Tips to Strengthen our "Mind Over Matter" Muscle
We have all heard the adage ‘mind over matter’. In fact, this was a staple on which I was reared. When a final exam or a sports ‘try-out’ or any other challenge presented itself when we were growing up – one of the first things my parents offered as advice was ‘mind over matter’. This…
What's Next? In our Careers and Life.....
As we embark on the 2nd quarter of 2017, many of my clients are facing decisions relative to their professional and personal journeys – some by choice and others by situations being thrust upon them. Some are victims of downsizing, others are actually ‘not fitting in’ culturally and thus are being forced out, and still…
Nothing On This Plane is Permanent
Many of you who know me well, know that the past 3 weeks have been the most challenging of my life. Our daddy passed away suddenly and tragically due to a senseless accident which led to a chain of events over the next two weeks leading to his passing last week. Untimely. Sudden. Unexpected and…
New Year by the Numbers
As we enter into Month #2 for the 2017 new year, this is the time when our ‘new year’s goals’ often fall by the wayside. It can be really hard to break bad habits and embrace newer, more constructive ones. A few of my friends and I are holding one another accountable….and we are finding…
The New Year....what, if anything, will be Different?
As we start the new year, most of us have grand and exciting plans to make this new year the best year yet. And yet, many times we have already broken our resolutions by the second week of January! (Yes…..that is true:)! So, as we embark on 2017, I was intrigued by a few articles…
What can we Learn from the Angels Among Us?
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, my family had a ‘first time’ family experience. Our life-long family friends, of over 60+ years, were celebrating a family wedding on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in Auburn, Alabama; we have participated as an extension of this dear family and their special celebrations for literally 60 years. Thus, for the first…
The Energy of Gratitude
During this month of Thanksgiving, I thought it was only fitting to ask the poignant question: For what am I grateful? I wrote a similar post several years, ago; as I believe expressing gratitude is such an important aspect of life. It is so easy to take many of our gifts and blessings for granted. Thus,…
Three Traits of Real Leadership
All of us, throughout our lives and careers have worked for and with effective, strong leaders… well as those leaders who leave much to be desired. And no, to be clear, just because folks hold a titled position or ‘outrank us’ does NOT make them a ‘leader’. To quote Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric:…
Five Pivotal Question to Help Navigate Change
We all know change is inevitable and really the only constant in life. We also know that nothing tangible on this planet is permanent. Yet, most of us are challenged when facing change. What we know, and what is familiar, is becoming dismantled. In business, our professional roles at best may be ambiguous, or at…
5 Thoughts About Entrepreneurship!
So here is the gig: now more than ever, baby boomers are losing their jobs to those individuals who are younger, less expensive, and in some cases more relevant than they are. They are smart, experienced, and talented individuals who are finding themselves adrift after giving years of their professional life to a company or…