Kristin's Blog

Are your Strategies Aligned for Action?
Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods Markets, and Target are just a few companies whose stores (or planes) I frequent. I began to wonder, particularly in this recession, how these companies were continuing to perform relatively well – despite people’s reduction in discretionary spending. Every time I head to Love Field in Dallas the Southwest terminal is buzzing and…
Philanthropy in the broader sense - a source of renewal and meaning
Bruno Bettelheim was a Holocaust survivor who achieved fame and fortune through his work as a child psychologist. The opening line in his book The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (Penguin Psychology) is: “If we hope to live not just from moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our…
More than a Horse Story
I love a great “feel good” movie. Many of our wonderful feel good movies revolve around sports – Hoosiers, Rudy, The Rookie … we all have our favorites. Mine is about a horse (still athletic, just four not two legs). It was 1938 – a year of monumental hardship and challenges, not unlike 2009. People were…
Initiate, Invest and Engage
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage – Anais Nin Our news sources continue to be dire. As individuals, what steps can we take? Continue to wring hands and worry? Continue to deny ourselves a look at our 401k and investment reports? Since the beginning of 2008, Americans have lost 3.6million jobs. (Read…
Sacred Responsibilities in Times Such as These
As I talk and consult and read and study, I’ve asked myself … where is the ‘sacred responsibility’ to make thoughtful, responsible, and extremely hard choices for the good of the whole amongst our corporations? Last week I had the opportunity to meet with the executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of America with which…
Leaning on Each Other Strengthens Each Other
I was reading an article last week about a man who was a star athlete in a small town in Texas and at 19 years of age was in a tragic car accident. His 1955 Ford Thunderbird flipped over several times and he was left a quadriplegic – he literally could move nothing below his…
Taking action - the imperative for each of us
This past week we watched a historic event. As Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th President of the United States of America, regardless of political affiliation, we stood witness to the incredible change, which has taken place in our country over the past 200 years. I listened intently to this speech for any and…
Having to always be "right" will ultimately prove "wrong"
No one likes a know-it-all. Yet, the world is full of folks who simply love to espouse their wisdom, opinions, and judgments trying to add value, show their smarts, pound their chests, exercise their control, cover their real insecurities (or just classic CYA), and in some cases just belittle the other person to make themselves…
The One Resolution
Every year, if you are like me, we make a list of resolutions to concentrate and ‘align’ our intentions for the New Year. I am actually one of those characters who love making resolutions – and I post them front and center on my desk. They help me stay focused. And at the end of…
Weathering the Storm - how to stay aligned in turbulent times
Over the past few weeks the number of people who have lost their jobs, filed bankruptcy, had their homes foreclosed upon, dipped severely into their retirement nest egg, etc. has grown to epidemic proportions. I have met with a least a dozen individuals and clients who are simply at a loss as to ‘what to…