Kristin's Blog

Authenticity 2.0
Many of you may remember my first article on authenticity from September 2008. I wrote that particular article because I had grown frustrated with how easily people were bantering the ‘authenticity’ word around, and my sincere concern that this potent and powerful concept was being diluted by overuse and misuse. Let’s face it; we live…
Ethics in Action
There have been many books written on Ethics over the years – including The Good Life by Gomes, The Ethics of Leadership by Ciulla, and a personal favorite, Ethics 101 by John Maxwell. Frankly, as rich as so many of these books are, we often have a tendency to read them, even have the best…
Do we treat our people as our most important asset?
How do you become a leader of the people; one that values your people? Listen in on Kristin’s counsel on ways to become a leader that views employees as the company’s most important asset. [display_podcast]
Do we treat our people as our most important asset?
How do you become a leader of the people; one that values your people? Listen in on Kristin’s counsel on ways to become a leader that views employees as the company’s most important asset.
Can culture be a competitive differentiator?
In a February 2009 Fortune magazine article, Jim Collins, said: “In times of great duress, tumult, and uncertainty, you have to have moorings. Companies like P&G, GE, J&J, and IBM have an incredible fabric of values, of underlying ideals or principles that explained why is was important that they existed. The more challenged you are,…
The Power of Vulnerability
What are the possibilities when we set aside our egos and let others see that we really ‘don’t know it all?’ In this podcast, listen to Kristin’s observations about the power of vulnerability. [display_podcast]
The Power of Vulnerability
What are the possibilities when we set aside our egos and let others see that we really ‘don’t know it all?’ In this podcast, listen to Kristin’s observations about the power of vulnerability.
Do I have to be liked to be successful?
“If all people see is anger, they’ll see anger. Do you ever remember a person not likeable winning?” Rahm says, slapping Massa on the chest. “Be likable.” This was the direct quotation inadvertently recorded when Rahm Emmanuel was giving this advice to Congressman Eric Massa. This recorded conversation has had a resurgence of interest and media…
Resiliency: the secret ingredient in 2010?
Recently I had the fabulous opportunity to build a workshop with a colleague around the topic of Resiliency. It was a topic in which I have personally grown very familiar over the past several years. Yet, frankly, I had not directly translated my personal experiences of ‘bouncing back’ to the criticality of this same capability…
The Power of "And"
Last month I had the privilege of co-leading the first of several leadership development workshops at Uplift Charter Schools. As a member of the University of Michigan faculty, I have the wonderful opportunity to work alongside Noel Tichy, again. This work is similar to the transformational effort we successfully led with the New York City…