Kristin's Blog

Staying present - a leadership distinction
I love the New York Times’ Corner Office interviews published each Sunday morning. This past Sunday’s interview with Dan Rosensweig, president and chief executive of Chegg, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Chegg rents textbooks online and by mail. Dan speaks to a lesson he has learned, and a practice I would love to see implemented…
Nothing happens until something is sold!
Wise words from my father – and how true they are. Until a computer, a car, a book, a movie ticket – the list goes on – is sold nothing new can be innovated, manufactured, or serviced. The selling machine drives everything – period. It is the fuel for the economy. Here are five easy…
Strategic Alignment - the key to reviving the organization
Recently I have been asked to lead several board and executive retreats through their annual strategic planning process. The similarities of their challenges are startling similar – regardless of industry, non-profit or for-profit organizations. The days of plentiful donations for non-profits are gone. Double digit growth, for most companies, is a friend of distant past.…
Yeah, but.....
As we go through life, I have come to believe we need to do exactly what our ‘yeah, but’ voice says we should not! We need to embrace our opportunities and go for them! Take the plunge. Write the book. Call the new friend we just met. Bid the job which will be a stretch.…
As we come back from this July 4th holiday weekend, I ran across stories of five Congressional Medal of Honor recipients which touched me to the core. These men are basically ordinary individuals who performed extraordinary acts. They went back again and again into enemy territories to protect their regiments, taking fire and shrapnel for hours…
Thought for the day
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John Maxwell
A distinguishing leadership trait
Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes is the key to empathy and true non-judgmental understanding. As individuals, we each have a unique set of circumstances that brought us to where we are today. This is a combination of our upbringing, our experiences, our innate being, and our environment. As individuals, and leaders, taking the time…
Using Feedback to Align Yourself
Feedback is a gift, whether we’re willing to acknowledge that or not. In this podcast, Kristin talks about the benefits of personal assessments and 360-degree feedback processes and how being self-aware is critical to aligning yourself personally and professionally.
Using Feedback to Align Yourself
Feedback is a gift, whether we’re willing to acknowledge that or not. In this podcast, Kristin talks about the benefits of personal assessments and 360-degree feedback processes and how being self-aware is critical to aligning yourself personally and professionally.
Don't Bully Accountability - Live It
Most business executives relish in the perceived power behind the word accountability. For employees it is either a welcomed set of expectations and boundaries which drive performance OR it becomes a marker which conjures up fear, insecurity, and concern of not being able to meet the expectation. Without the ability to hold individuals accountable, a…