Kristin's Blog

The Power of Language
Many scholars have studied the power and impact words have on individuals, societies, cultures, and the evolution of the human condition. Most of you know the love affair I have with words. Whether they be in the form of poetry, screenplays, novels, biographies, or simple exchanges between two people, languages speak volumes (no pun intended)…
Recapping 2010
As we enter the 12th month of 2010, it is a good practice to review where we are and where we are going. I typically do a dive deep into this process between Christmas and the New Year. I try to take long walks each day, write in my journal, take notes, and generate ideas, which…
Scrappy Communication
Many of you know of my loyalty to Adam Bryant’s series, The Corner Office in the Sunday New York Times. I found this article particularly compelling due to Jenny Ming’s, president and CEO of clothing chain Charlotte Russe, authentic and humble answers to Adam Bryant’s questions. Two key takeaways for me: No matter how large or small a…
What versus Why
It is not always easy to get to the bottom of what is causing issues, obstacles, and road blocks to our progress whether this be personal or professional, individually or collectively. The natural questions typically start with ‘why.’ Why did you do this? Why are you under quota? Why is your team not making their goals? Ironically,…
Virtues of the Self-Employed
As many know and experience in today’s economy, being self-employed is growing increasingly difficult. However, it is critical that we realize when it comes to the economy, the self-employed contribute a huge proportion. In fact, it is estimated that there are 23 million self-employed businesses in the United States, which represent 80% of the small…
Salient Points from Mark Cuban
I recently read a short yet powerful synopsis of an interview with Mark Cuban in CRN, Computer Reseller News. We all know of his remarkable success of selling for billions and his future successes with the Dallas Mavericks and other diverse interests. There are a few golden nuggets from Mark relative to his road…
Succession Planning - a lost art?
For years I have watched with equal doses of horror and awe while many of the world’s most respected and successful companies continue to make interesting choices for the head job of CEO. Specifically, today, I am referring to Hewlett-Packard, and their most recent choice to appoint another outsider to lead the company. This is…
Self-Awareness - the Secret?
As many of you know, the New York Times column, ‘Corner Office’ is a favorite of mine. This past week, Paul Maritz, president and C.E.O. of the software firm VMware, was interviewed by Adam Bryant. Does your team have the Four Essential Types? is meaty, yet almost misleading; as one of the most powerful statements Paul makes is relative…
For and With
One word can make all the difference. Have you ever had someone introduce you with the phrase: “He works for me?” How does it make you feel? Smaller? Subordinate? As if you are their pawn? Then think about a time when someone introduced you with: “He works with me.” How does that make you feel? On a…
Exploration of Our Quest for Individual Alignment
In this podcast, we explore more fully ideas to become “aligned as an individual.” It’s really quite simple. We must know ourselves, then have the courage to be ourselves, which opens the pathway to give of ourselves.