Kristin's Blog

Clarity the Key to Delegation
I have had numerous clients voice frustration with tasks, once delegated, not being completed on time, with the quality in which they expected, or the person to whom they have delegated takes the assignment, with an ‘attitude,’ so to speak. Each of these situations has led to irritation, lack of the deliverable being ready ‘on time,’…
Moving Up within the Company
In this podcast, Kristin talks about moving up within a company and offers guidance on getting past some of the barriers.
Public speaking
Do you have fear or apprehension about speaking publicly? How we prepare means everything to a successful outcome. In this podcast, Kristin provides several tips on preparing.
Making it Safe
We are in a recession. Secure jobs are valued. We don’t want to screw up and potentially lose our jobs. Fear can take over. What happens when fear takes over? We don’t stretch or take risks. Creativity and ‘out of box’ thinking and execution is virtually squelched. We play it safe. Playing it too safe does…
Positioning Yourself
The devil’s in the details in this podcast on how to best position yourself when looking for a job or for a promotion within. Determine what makes you different and how best to package it.
Kris Wittenberg founded SayNoMore! Promotions in 1999. The premise on which Kris and her husband began the business was with the simple mindset to be leaders – not followers in a very competitive field. As an industry leader, they thrive on the challenge of finding truly unique gifts that catch the eye and draw people…
Positioning Yourself
The devil’s in the details in this podcast on how to best position yourself when looking for a job or for a promotion within. Determine what makes you different and how best to package it.
How One Woman Built a Trucking Business
In our “Smooth Landing” pieces, we hope to share with you success stories, which we read about, learn about, and in some cases in which have actually participated. These will highlight individuals, teams, and organizations who have overcome challenges to achieve success, fulfillment, and are making a contribution – individually and collectively. We are looking…
Think you have all the answers?
Earlier this month, one of my favorite columns: The Corner Office in the New York Times, had a very insightful interview with Gregory Maffei, the President and CEO of Liberty Media. This particular interview was fascinating to me as Gregory has worked directly for Bill Gates and John Malone, both power houses in their fields. The entire interview…
Top 10 Between the Lines
Happy 2011 everyone! I hope your year is off to a great start. Many of you have asked me to recap the most popular posts from 2010 – so my first posting of 2010 is just that: The Top Ten Between The Lines for 2010! The best advice I ever got Do I have to be liked…