Plaid for Women Highlights Kristin’s Take on Change
Recently, I have engaged in several 360 narrative feedback processes for executives as the initial foundation for our ongoing leadership coaching engagements. The feedback process is never easy. Yet, what I know for sure, is that good leaders want to grow AND part of the growth process is taking a hard look in the mirror […]
I venture to say, that there are few people in the world who have not been exposed or perhaps even victimized, by toxic people. These individuals may be wolves in sheep’s clothing, or ‘devout spiritual followers’ sitting in pious judgment supposedly supported by their religion, or passive aggressive individuals with deep demons which manifest in […]
We all know change is inevitable and really the only constant in life. We also know that nothing tangible on this planet is permanent. Yet, most of us are challenged when facing change. What we know, and what is familiar, is becoming dismantled. In business, our professional roles at best may be ambiguous, or at […]
This past week was unprecedented for me. I had 4 – four – individuals, in 1 week, tell me they had been ‘riffed’ from their current roles.These individuals have had strong careers and are worthy, capable contributors. However, now they are faced with (what they perceive as) a tremendous setback at a stage in their life where most – if not all – thought they would be somewhere else. What gives?!
Recently, one of my clients in a desperate attempt to remedy one of his ‘blind spots’ simply said: “Can you just give me a book to read so that I can get over this?”
How many times do we find ourselves seeking an ‘easy button’ to navigate through gnarly growing pains?! Darn it – if there were only an easy button to help us on our ‘self-improvement’ journey as leaders! Well, there isn’t.
As we enter 2012, many of us engage in individual (and collective) plans for continued growth and ongoing improvement. This ritual of writing New Year’s resolutions – from my experience – can quickly turn into depressing, heavy albatrosses hanging around our necks by the second week…or even the second day of the new year!!
Bull & Bear Essentials offers an excellent list of top ten tips for success in life. These tips were consolidated from a series of interviews which Barbara Walters conducted with four billionaires. Those who have heard me speak over the past few years and/or read my blogs will recognize some familiar themes. I have highlighted those which resonate with a few key points from my recently published book, “Is This Seat Taken?”
On a recent American Airlines flight, I was reading an article about PGA Tour caddy John Wood, and I thought a few of his tips were relevant for business, as well as our golf game.
Each of these tips on how to play like a pro golfer are easy to offer, but hard to do! Guess that is why there is only one Tiger Woods; yet there are still plenty of strong golfers in the world.
Our world is facing indisputable and daunting challenges. When we bring these issues home – to our own organizations, teams, and personal scenarios – they become even more real. Our security, on every level – our freedoms, our financial well being, the future for our children, and our own professional directions – stands at risk. Today I talk about how passionate curiosity, battling hardened confidence, team smarts, a simple mindset, and fearlessness play a role in leading change and achieving success.