Tag: alignment matters

7 Thoughts Relative to the Value of a Leadership Consultant

Wth all the everyday pressures of our careers, some wonder why hire a leadership consultant or coach? It may appear to be ‘just more thing’ on a long list of things to do in a career or leadership development effort. In fact, not too long ago, executives who hired an executive or leadership coach were […]

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Ovid’s Truism

Many of my clients are evaluating career moves. Some are up for big promotions (think C-suite). Some are being pursued for paid board positions. Some are evaluating sabbaticals and even full retirement. And still others are thinking of 180-degree transitions into different fields and writing new chapters. And without almost any exceptions, they question their […]

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If people really matter… then, what gives?!

Why is it that if the people ‘on the company bus’ are a company’s most important asset, they are not treated as such? Even through the pandemic, we would hope our perspectives would have changed. However, many companies with which I work have tightened their reins, not loosened them.  Does it matter? You better believe […]

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