Category: Personal Growth & Alignment

7 Reasons to Hire a Leadership Coach or Consultant

With all the everyday pressures of our careers, some wonder why even hire a leadership coach? It may appear to be ‘just more thing’ on a long list of ‘to do’s. In fact, not too long ago, executives who hired an executive or leadership coach were looked down upon as ones that were on their way out.

That was, and still is, obsolete thinking.

There are many reasons that have helped raise the profile of the leadership development industry. Yet, what can a person really hope to gain from work with a leadership consultant or coach?

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Storytelling in Business?

I believe in the power of stories. In fact, as many of you know, my first book is a compilation of stories of the people I have met along my journey who have taught me so much just through living their lives and how they intersected with mine. Each and every one of us haev the opportunity to learn and teach through our lives. It was incredible to read in The New York Times, the perspective of a world-class CEO and his integration of stories into day to day business.

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The Question of Trust

Trust can often been an illusive component in business. We have all been privvy to empty conversations, vapid meetings, and glad-handing all void of true trust in the other person/persons in the room. From what many of my clients share, the pervasiveness of social media and technology in business can help or hinder trust in an organization. So, what can we as leaders do to foster a culture of trust in our organizations and between our teams?

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Now Hiring: Prior Waiters and Waitresses

We can learn something from everyone – of this I am certain. Many of you know how diligently I follow the New York Times column, “The Corner Office”. Recently, Amy Astley, editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue, was his executive interview. Her philosophy is interesting and current. What are folks looking for from today’s workforce and budding executive ranks?

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Staying Aligned in the Online Challenge

Many of us struggle with how to truly optimize our social media presence. The game continues to change, and it is hard to know where, when and how to post strong, compelling information to support our professional presence. Whether we are entrepreneurs, corporate executives or individuals in transition, the question continually comes up: how do I make my online presence and brand relevant and aligned to who I am, what I want, and what I want others to think, say or do when they run across information on me?

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