Category: Personal Growth & Alignment

Today is The Day….To Find Your Seat!

I dare say, there is not a single person who at least once in his or her life has not faced an unexpected situation, a newfound reality, a daunting challenge, or veiled opportunity and not wondered what to do. You may feel that you have made poor choices, that your opportunities have passed you by, or that you’re playing musical chairs, the music has stopped, and all the seats are taken.

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How to Gear up for the Best 2015 Possible…..NOW

As many of us know. the first step to ‘upping your game’ is to honestly assess where you are today AND where you want to be tomorrow! Thus, as we end 2014, now is the time to take a hard look in the mirror and determine if 2014 was all and more than you wanted it to be…..or if there is still room for growth and improvement.

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Where has all the Trust gone?

I can assure you, each person reading this has most certainly experienced a broken relationship due to the break down of trust. This breakdown could be in the form of a spouse cheating on them or a colleague using information (which you developed or found) as if it were their own with no accreditation to you. It could be someone outright stealing a concept from a keynote or workshop, and using it as if it were their own. Or it could be a so-called friend or colleague saying one thing to your face and calling you a ‘friend’ only to have them back-stabbing you with unflattering commentary or falsehoods behind your back. Let’s face it, trust is so integral to our relationships that we often take it for granted; yet in an era marked by business scandals and a desire for accountability – we clearly need to nurture trust in our professional and personal lives. Where in the world has all the trust gone? And what do we do about it?

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David Packard’s 11 Simple Rules

Recently, I was purging through 30 years of old files, and ran across my ‘special file’ where I kept those unique articles, emails, letters, and notes which were ‘too good’ to throw away. I found an email from 1998 which summarized Dave Packard’s 11 simple rules on how to deal with each other on a daily basis. He believed if we followed these simple rules, we would all emerge as winners – this blog offers a shortened version of the email.

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40 Things to Change your Life

As long as I can remember, my father has sent my sister and me newspaper articles, quotations, and other wise bits of information. This started when we were children; and now, at age 85 (my father) and 52 (me), he still continues this practice….selflessly and conscientiously he teaches, shares, and helps me become the best person I can. So, this week, in honor of Father’s Day, I am sharing the latest gift my father sent us late last month.

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How to Hook ‘Em

As many may know, ABC has a real hit on its hands with The Shark Tank! The stars are a ruthless, shrewd collection of diverse, self-made millionaires who judge, qualify, and either select or ‘de-select’ budding entrepreneurs for further investment. If you haven’t watched it, you will either love it or hate it. Recently, there was an episode focusing on how to capture the sharks attention AND close the deal…..interesting. This blog offers my two cents…..

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