Author: Kristin Kaufman

The era of ‘mooching’ and ‘connecting’….what gives?

This week’s podcast definitely addresses ‘a fine line’ in today’s world of networking, connecting, and full transparency through social media and other means. What are the rules of etiquette and professionalism when it comes to sharing, asking for and giving ‘free’ advice, and opening our virtual rolodexes for those in need? This is by definition – A Fine Line – and one for which is there is no pat answer. However, this podcast asks a few questions to hopefully get our juices flowing! Weigh in. I am quite certain there are opinions out there!

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Intoxication of the Most Dangerous Kind

Recently, a colleague of mine and I were discussing a phenomenon that has been coming up quite often in my recent client sessions and other personal discussion. Individuals, with tremendous experience and successful careers up until now, have become inhibited, and in some cases paralyzed, by their perception of others. Their reasons are illogical when we take the time to truly digest and dissect them; however they are very real and indeed quite powerful at the time.

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Half Empty or Half Full? 3 Tips to Keep it Full

There is such a prevalence of negative messages in today’s world. The media is chock full of ‘if it bleeds it leads’ coverage…and in some ways we have become conditioned to not only expect the icky news, we feed on it. This morbid expectation and, at best, the placid tolerance of negativity has the potential to leak into every aspect of our lives.

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Disruption! A Featured Guest Blog Post

Nothing like disruption to get the stories going! And when the uproar is about the newspaper business, we get more than the usual number of critics thinking and writing about what it all means. So when Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post, using his personal fortune from founding Amazon, the stories were flying like Angry Birds.

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