Author: Kristin Kaufman

CBS Dallas/Fort Worth’s “Plugged in to DFW” interviews Kristin

CBS Dallas/Fort Worth’s “Plugged In to DFW” talks to Kristin about her latest book and finding your purpose later in life. Plugged In To DFW Interview Part 1: Plugged In To DFW Interview Part 2: Plugged In To DFW Interview Part 3: Plugged In To DFW Interview Part 4:

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The Reality of Mean Girls

Who has not been the recipient of mean girl behavior? And as for my male followers, I can assure you that your wife and your daughters have been victims at least once in their lives….odds are many more times than just once. And yes, these mean girls do grow up and become mean women. I have been the punching bag more than once, and the meanest experience I ever had in my life happened just a few years ago. There is so much we can learn from these experiences AND so much we can teach….

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Resiliency and Grit…. Spring is indeed here

We have had such a tumultuous winter in many parts of the world. Ice, snow, power outages…..and they often hit at the most inopportune times. For example, my 2nd book launch and associated signing fell on the same day as Dallas was to get a few inches of traffic-stopping ice! It did not actually happen, yet many succumbed to the ‘fear’ of its potential. AND still others…….

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