Plaid for Women Highlights Kristin’s Take on Change
What is the 1 question we can ask ourselves to drive us toward success? Click here to listen to this brief yet salient podcast.
One year ago today, our father passed away tragically and unexpectedly. This year has undoubtedly been the most challenging of our lives. The void cannot and will not ever be filled. Yet, what have I learned this past year from this experience and the experiences to follow? I believe all things happen for a Divine […]
I meet clients every day who are not where they wish to be – in life, in business or both. They may be unfulfilled in their lives and are not making the amount of income they desire. They may love what they do, yet they are not building the retirement nest egg they need. They […]
I am sending this blog, at the request of several of my clients; as these questions and perspectives have become a mainstay of our coaching engagements, and I hope may help others, as well. As we start a new year, each of us have the opportunity to ‘start over’. I don’t know about you, but […]
This year has been in a word: surreal. Everyone who is reading this will certainly experience times like this; yet, nonetheless, it is not easy. This time last year – life was so very different than it is today. So many things have changed – forever. Most of my followers know that my daddy passed […]
There has been so much talk over the past few years about being authentic, being vulnerable, and letting folks see and experience the ‘real you’. As most of the followers of this blog will attest, I am an ardent believer in authentic and vulnerable leadership…..not to mention embracing this approach in life, in general. Just […]
Recently, I have been working with a number of individuals new to leadership. It has been fascinating to watch the behaviors they believe demonstrate leadership. It is alarming and unsettling – and their teams are equally curious about how they should respond to their approaches. Though there have been thousands of articles, books, and blogs […]
Recently, I have engaged in several 360 narrative feedback processes for executives as the initial foundation for our ongoing leadership coaching engagements. The feedback process is never easy. Yet, what I know for sure, is that good leaders want to grow AND part of the growth process is taking a hard look in the mirror […]