Kristin's Blog
What are the Distinctions between Leading and Managing?
There have been literally hundreds of articles written about the distinctions between being a LEADER and being a MANAGER. My intention in weighing in on this discussion is to dispel the myth that one is better than the other AND that the need for BOTH skill sets is ever present….more now than ever before. There…
4 Ways to Learn, Grow, and Protect Ourselves from Toxic People
I venture to say, that there are few people in the world who have not been exposed or perhaps even victimized, by toxic people. These individuals may be wolves in sheep’s clothing, or ‘devout spiritual followers’ sitting in pious judgment supposedly supported by their religion, or passive aggressive individuals with deep demons which manifest in…
The "YOU" Economy - What and How to Join? 3 Provocative Thoughts
There have been many articles written about the ‘new world order’ and the new ‘you’ economy. We can muse about how this has come to be, and why it is now becoming the pervasive business model. Jobs being moved overseas, companies looking for a ‘better way’ to take their products to market, an aging workforce, and…
5 Tips to Strengthen our "Mind Over Matter" Muscle
We have all heard the adage ‘mind over matter’. In fact, this was a staple on which I was reared. When a final exam or a sports ‘try-out’ or any other challenge presented itself when we were growing up – one of the first things my parents offered as advice was ‘mind over matter’. This…
What's Next? In our Careers and Life.....
As we embark on the 2nd quarter of 2017, many of my clients are facing decisions relative to their professional and personal journeys – some by choice and others by situations being thrust upon them. Some are victims of downsizing, others are actually ‘not fitting in’ culturally and thus are being forced out, and still…
Three Traits of Real Leadership
All of us, throughout our lives and careers have worked for and with effective, strong leaders… well as those leaders who leave much to be desired. And no, to be clear, just because folks hold a titled position or ‘outrank us’ does NOT make them a ‘leader’. To quote Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric:…
Five Pivotal Question to Help Navigate Change
We all know change is inevitable and really the only constant in life. We also know that nothing tangible on this planet is permanent. Yet, most of us are challenged when facing change. What we know, and what is familiar, is becoming dismantled. In business, our professional roles at best may be ambiguous, or at…
5 Thoughts About Entrepreneurship!
So here is the gig: now more than ever, baby boomers are losing their jobs to those individuals who are younger, less expensive, and in some cases more relevant than they are. They are smart, experienced, and talented individuals who are finding themselves adrift after giving years of their professional life to a company or…
The Importance of Cultural Fit
Have you ever joined an organization – personally or professionally – and realized after a short time, that you just don’t ‘fit in’? Or have you ever joined a company – loved it and the culture – only to have the culture shift so much over time that is it hardly recognizable and it does…
Speaking Volumes without Saying a Word
Throughout my life, my parents (and my paternal grandmother, Mema, in particular) have always taught my sister and me to ‘stand tall’. As far back as I can remember, Mema was always putting her finger in between my sister’s and my shoulder blades instructing us to “stand up, sit up….don’t slouch”. When times were tough…