Giving Back

ALIGNMENT™ contributes a percentage of top line revenues to a variety of charitable endeavors. Kristin Kaufman was reared with philanthropy being integral to her life and work. She believes being conscious of when and how we give of our time, our talents, and our treasures can bring meaning and purpose to life. She believes we do not have to wait until we retire to start – thus, we are sharing just a few of the worthwhile philanthropic organizations which Alignment, Inc.®actively supports and fully endorses.
Rotary International
Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.
The Rotary Club which ALIGNMENT™ actively supports through service on the Board, and as President is the Preston Center Rotary Club in Dallas, Texas. It is a professional group of men and women coming together to support and assist each other, while expanding their knowledge of business, ethics and current affairs. The club promotes truth and fairness to all concerned and helps to build long-lasting friendships between members. The club benefits the community through its humanitarian efforts, fiscal stewardship, and support of many charities and fund raising events.
Zenpike, in association with the Center for Spiritual Living, Fort Lauderdale Florida
Zenpike is an online and in-person platform for spiritual education and events that transform the lives of millions of people worldwide. Our content includes courses on self-realization, health & wellness, spiritual practices, right livelihood, financial well-being, healthy relationships, and conscious leadership.
Kristin Kaufman and Alignment, Inc.™ supports Rotary International and Zenpike through service on the Advisory Boards of both organizations, active membership, financial contribution, and through offering professional expertise in benefit to these organizations.