Category: Leadership Development

Social Media Success Stories

In our first “From the Cockpit interview” with Steve Lee, chief pathfinder, Quicksilver Interactive Group, we discussed the criticality of alignment between social media and the company’s strategic direction. So, I went in search of success stories on companies that have implemented creative social media strategies to support their overall business objectives. I found these […]

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This Between the Lines article is being written primarily at the request of my readers. Many have mentioned to me the increasing prevalence of improper, inappropriate, and often just downright rude behaviors. This may be somewhat similar to an entry made back in 2009 entitled That’s So Rude. Unfortunately, it appears the trend is ‘up’ for […]

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Top 10 Attributes of a Winner

A client of mine recently shared a fabulous book with me: WIN: Take your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Interesting book, with meaty information for leaders from every aspect of the organization – sales to finance to operations to Board. There was one list which was particularly compelling – the 10 attributes of a winner. […]

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Forbidden Cliches

Recently, a favorite columnist of mine, Cheryl Hall from The Dallas Morning News, wrote an entertaining and compelling article entitled: “Buzzwords to Banish.” She builds a perspective relative to overused and often completely confusing words that have invaded our ‘business speak!’ She denounces cliches such as ‘at the end of the day,’ ‘killer app,’ ‘out of the box,’ ’24 […]

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