As this COVID nightmare continues, I have had many friends and clients say to me……time is rushing by, we are sheltering at home, and I’m afraid when this all lifts – it will be TOO LATE FOR ME to pursue and accomplish my goals.
Well…..for those of you have followed me over the years, I cannot allow myself (or my clients) to succumb to that thinking. Which is why I wrote Book #2 in the “Is This Seat Taken?” series. It is a collection of stories ranging from Ray Kroc to Georgio Armani to Laura Ingalls Wilder to Diana Nyad and many more…..who literally began their ‘dream life’ well into their lives… one case at 87 years of age!
So, as we are sequestered and unable to engage FULL THROTTLE in many ways…I wanted to give you a gift.
I am giving you a CHAPTER out of Book # 2 – “Is This Seat Taken? It’s Never Too Late to Find the Right Seat”.
My hope is that it will inspire, motivate, and encourage. This woman is a mentor of mine – virtually ‘unknown’ – yet, amazingly rich by every measure: financially, family life, abundant friends, contribution, fulfillment, ongoing growth, etc. So…..if you are ‘stuck’ or just need a dose of B12….I hope this will do it!!
Here is the link to download. Simply copy/paste into your browser.
And if you want to get a copy of the entire book – you can find on Amazon OR on this very website. It would be my pleasure and honor to inscribe and send to you.
Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear your mask.
And TRUST that is will NEVER be too late for any of us to build and live the lives we want. Tomorrow is another day..and the SUN will rise…as will we.