I recently read an article in TIME magazine relative to a new study from a Nobel-winning psychologist at Princeton University, which estimates the ‘price of happiness.’ Apparently, it prices out at $75,000 a year! Net results from the article include: the further a person’s income drops below $75,000 the more unhappy they become due to worries about health-care and retirement. And, equally, no matter how much more than $75,000 a person makes, it doesn’t bring them anymore joy.
It is a fascinating article, based on scientific research. It discusses the notable theories of Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey relative to the ‘road to self awareness and satisfaction’ and it shines the light on the mirage that more money just leads us to just think our life is better. Money’s power over self-esteem is tempting and builds a facade of happiness.
This is an interesting conversation; and I welcome your comments!
Thank goodness the administration told us yesterday that the current recession ended in June of 2009!
I have always liked something Eleanor Roosevelt once said, that happiness is not a goal in life, it is a by-product. Our goals should be to be a good parent, friend, colleague, and member of the community, and then to derive happiness from that. I think that approach tends to lead to a more centered, and less self-centered, life. That said, if we are talking about some of the basic necessities–food, shelter, health care, education, etc.–I think money certainly can buy security, if not exactly happiness.
Nicely said Kristin. I can’t count the number of people I’ve worked with over the years that have lots of money and very little happiness. It’s sad.I wish we could all adopt the rule that life is not a game of keep-away.
I’ve always dreamed of having enough money to give a chunk away on a regular basis.