Shoutout DFW Highlights Kristin
How fun and exciting to be highlighted by Shoutout DFW in their November issue!! The link to the article is here!
How fun and exciting to be highlighted by Shoutout DFW in their November issue!! The link to the article is here!
During this month of Thanksgiving (in the United States), I thought it only fitting to ask the poignant question: For what am I grateful? I wrote a similar post several years ago. Much water has gone under that bridge – much loss, much hardship – yet Gratitude always trumps Grief. This 10-minute podcast will shed […]
So, this month was full of rich, soul-expanding experiences. In this short 13-minute podcast, I share 4 ‘ah-ha’s which are relevant for all of us….at any stage in life. It is raw, unfiltered, and unscripted. Your comments are welcomed!
Over the past few months, I have lost several dear family friends. Some, one may consider, in an ‘expected timeline’, and others prematurely – frankly, in the prime of their lives.Not that I needed another nudge (because as most of you know, I have faced my own mortality more than once); however, it seems the […]
So – I’m going to open my proverbial kimono today. I posted these thoughts on one of my social media profiles – and it hit a nerve. So, I am sending this to my followers….. This photo (at the bottom of this post) was from a LONG time ago – (20 years ago). I am […]
Recently, I’ve read several articles where the author has shared their perspectives on life and business. They were thought-provoking. Coupled with those articles, many of my clients and followers have asked me: ‘what have you learned, given all the challenges during the pandemic, etc., in the past 24 months? Hmmm….we’ve all been tested and stretched, […]
Too many of us are working really hard….running on that proverbial hamster wheel….trying to make a big difference, create something substantive, or just trying to make a huge amount of money. Equally, many are looking for that magic ‘something’ to catapult their business, their careers, and even their lives into the orbit they want. The […]
I used to love The Corner Office column in the New York Times. There was a wonderful interview with F. Mark Gumz, president and C.E.O. of the Olympus Corporation of the Americas, which I ran across this past weekend. I was intrigued by many of the points made by Mr. Gumz. His comments were relative […]
The answer is – YES – it matters. In spades. I have grown weary (and I’m sure I’m not the only one) of inflated humble brags….and empty suits posturing. As we say in Texas….where’s the meat? However, it’s not lost on me that sometimes we have to capture someone’s attention, before they are truly exposed […]